烹飪是一門語言,透過這門語言,無意間將社會結構翻譯──或者同樣地,無意間揭露自身矛盾。 … the cooking of a society is a language in which it unconsciously translates its structure – or else resigns itself, still unconsciously, to revealing its contradictions.
Claude Lévi-Strauss. 2012. The Culinary Triangle.
「A Food Journey from Taiwan to Germany」是一個飲食設計專案,延伸自 Yen 的碩士論文《Cross-Cultural Communication through Eating Experience Design》。
Research on cross-cultural communication through eating experience design
A Food Journey from Taiwan to Germany is an eating design project developed from Yen’s master’s thesis, Cross-Cultural Communication through Eating Experience Design.
This research explores how food conveys cultural messages through eating experiences between Taiwanese and German groups. The findings offer a design solution for effective cross-cultural communication, fostering empathy and understanding between the two cultural groups.

The research focused on two ethnic groups—Germans and Taiwanese—and was developed in two phases: Taiwan to Germans and Germany to Taiwanese.
In the first phase, Germans acted as the receivers in the communication process, decoding the cultural messages embedded in an ethnic eating environment created by Taiwanese. A series of questions and curated Taiwan eating scenarios were designed to guide their experience.

In the second phase, qualitative interviews were conducted with three Taiwanese individuals who had lived in Germany for varying lengths of time. Their experiences intersected with those of Germans, creating an overlapping space that fostered mutual understanding.
The interviews aimed to explore the integration process of Taiwanese people in Germany and the role of food in their adaptation.
Three courses, each representing a phase of cultural adaptation, illustrate the journey of Taiwanese people in Germany.
Eating Settings
Both ethnic groups engaged in conversation around the dining table. The banquet was structured as a journey of Taiwanese adaptation in Germany, presented through three courses: Initial Encounter, From Unfamiliar to Familiar, and Feeling at Home. These courses narrated the experience of arrival, first contact with a new cultural context, the process of identifying differences and commonalities, adaptation, and ultimately, rediscovering a sense of home in an unfamiliar environment.
For Germans, the courses guided them through a learning process—how to eat, what to eat, and why to eat. Each dish and course created an overlapping space of German and Taiwanese experiences, serving as a medium for communication—whether through ingredients, flavors, presentation styles, or associations with personal memories.
Between courses, participants were prompted with questions to reflect on and discuss their impressions and stereotypes of each other’s culture. Moving from the familiar to the unfamiliar, diners were encouraged to see from the perspective of others, fostering empathy and deeper understanding.
Starter: Initial Encounter
One empty bowl and another containing a Xiao Long Bao were served. Various spices, differing in shape and quantity, were placed at the center of the table. Diners followed chopstick-handling instructions printed on their placemats to assemble their own Xiao Long Baos.
This process symbolized the initial encounter with a new cultural environment—where every rule, concept, event, and experience was deconstructed and had to be rediscovered.
Main Course: From Unfamiliar to Familiar
The main course reinterpreted the essence of a typical Taiwanese meal by serving multiple shared dishes. Each dish incorporated elements inspired by foods familiar to Germans, blended with traditional Taiwanese culinary techniques. This approach created connections for both sides to explore cultural contexts through ingredients they recognized.
The final dish, Runbing (Taiwanese spring roll), highlighted regional and individual differences, as its composition was shaped by local flavors and personal tastes. Participants were invited to wrap their own runbings and pass them to their neighbors. The seating arrangement ensured that each person received a dish from someone of the other ethnic group. Diners described the flavors of the runbings they received, while the preparers explained their ingredient choices. Through this exchange of food and stories, participants absorbed each other’s culinary memories and cultural interpretations.
Dessert: Feeling at Home
Each participant brought a dessert that symbolized their idea of home. The definition of home was left open to interpretation.
As they shared their desserts, participants explained how their chosen treat connected to their sense of home. Through storytelling and the flavors of home, diners discovered shared experiences and emotions, regardless of where they came from.

所有參與者皆表示,促使他們參加這場實驗的主要動機是食物,對部分人而言,視野拓展是意料之外的驚喜收穫。透過這場宴席與先前的研究,Yen 發現,這次經驗對初次接觸台灣料理的德國人影響尤為深遠,使他們的世界觀得以擴展或改變。而對於曾在台灣生活的台灣人與德國人而言,這些食物則喚起或強化了過往的記憶,台灣參與者也重新找回與家鄉的連結。當德國人基於好奇心或單純的飢餓感進食時,台灣人則透過這場晚宴,在熟悉的味道中找到慰藉。
Food is a mean of consolation and a retrieve of home memory.
Observation and Review
The overall atmosphere of the banquet was relaxed and engaging. Without formal instructions, guests naturally familiarized themselves with one another. The diverse backgrounds of the diners created opportunities for both sides to gain insights into each other’s cultural contexts. Conversations organically emerged around the dishes served, with food and eating utensils shaping the sensory experience. The composition of the meal sparked discussions on cultural traditions, history, politics, economic influences, and mindsets.
The seating arrangement—pairing one Taiwanese and one German—played a crucial role in the eating design. It allowed diners to observe their neighbors, offer guidance when needed, and foster interaction. Due to their familiarity with the dining format, Taiwanese participants took on an active role in assisting and explaining, further enriching the exchange.
All participants noted that their initial motivation for joining the experiment was the food itself. However, many were unexpectedly rewarded with broadened perspectives. Through the banquet and prior research, Yen observed that the experience had a particularly strong impact on German participants who were newly introduced to Taiwanese cuisine, as it extended or reshaped their worldview. For both Taiwanese and Germans who had spent time in Taiwan, the food reinforced or revived personal memories. Moreover, the Taiwanese participants felt a renewed connection to home. While Germans dined out of curiosity or simple hunger, the Taiwanese found comfort in the familiar tastes of home.
Sharing the living experience, history and culture from Taiwan is easier if you have some tasty local food as support aids. It was also very interesting to see the responses from the German guests who had ever tried ‘REAL’ Asian food first time in their lives, making me rethink about the food culture we have in Taiwan.
Yu Chun Chen-Kühnert
I learned some Taiwan images from Germans, even though they might implant the general Asia images on Taiwan.
Chih Hung Lin
The food is just great which brought us more memory than identity. In an eating event, we are inclined to see the common things among us rather than differences.
Chia En Lin
My most important takeaway is how easy it becomes to have conversations and a good time with strangers if food is involved. It gives you a common basis for discussion, whether it is how hungry you are, what it tastes like, or where it comes from.
Thomas Mühlbau
I found the conversations with the other participants inspiring because there were some new topics and perspectives opened up. Not only to learn about Taiwanese history and cultural matters but also to look at your own history and politics from a different perspective while explaining it to a non-german.
Benjamin Hahn
Every person brought some memorable ingredients for this special dinner. The stories behind made the most sense and sometimes have been of personal quality, which made the group become from familiar to intimate fast.
Moritz Kühlnert