FutureLab 是由科隆國際設計學院(KISD)Jenz Großhans 教授領導的食物設計工作坊,於 Anuga FoodTec 博覽會上舉行。每天 12 名國際學生接收到新任務,根據當天的主題提出創新的食物產品與包裝設計概念,並向公眾展示發想與實踐過程。
FutureLab at Anuga FoodTec is a food design workshop led by Prof. Jenz Großhans from the Köln International School of Design (KISD). Each day, 12 international students are presented with new tasks, encouraging them to develop innovative ideas for food products and packaging based on the daily theme. The process of conceptualization and implementation is showcased live to the public at the fair.