Pizza non Pizza


在全球化背景下,民族食物(ethnic food)的一大特徵便是融入跨國框架,在德國的披薩已不同於意大利的披薩,也與五百年前的披薩大相徑庭。民族食物不可避免地需採用本地食材來展現其文化身份,這種調整也為融入新環境提供機會,將食物以當地食客更為熟悉的飲食語言介紹給他們。自此,飲食體驗成為一種界面,向食客講述其民族故事。

在研究飲食溝通的過程中,Yen 展開了一系列披薩專案,通過重製世界各地的披薩,探索民族食物如何在跨國的結構下演變。作為廣受喜愛的國際化美食,披薩已經融入各地的飲食習慣,成為數十億人口的日常主食。披薩在不同文化中發展出獨特的特徵,展現跨文化影響的痕跡,這種適應性激發了人們進行各種實驗,並以本地食材重新詮釋這道曾經充滿異國風味的美食。

Yen 重製了來自不同地區的 10 款披薩,包括羅馬尼亞、匈牙利、烏克蘭、德國、黎巴嫩、尼泊爾、玻利維亞、台灣、中國和香港,這些披薩的重製基於受訪者對家鄉披薩以及他們旅行途中體驗過的披薩的描述,每款披薩都經過拍攝記錄,使用義大利食譜或與當地料理特徵相似的披薩則被排除在這次實驗成果外。

Visualising Food Network through the Migration of Pizza

One defining feature of ethnic food in a globalized context is its integration into a transnational framework. Pizza in Germany differs from pizza in Italy or what pizza was 500 years ago. Ethnic food inevitably faces the challenge of adapting local ingredients to represent its cultural identity. However, this adaptation also provides an opportunity to merge its unique characteristics with a new environment, introducing a more familiar culinary language to local diners. In this way, the dining experience becomes an interface that narrates the cultural story of its origins to its audience.

In her study of food communication, Yen launched a project to explore how ethnic food transforms within transnational structures by recreating pizzas from around the world. As an internationally beloved dish, pizza has been widely globalized, integrating into regional diets and becoming a staple for billions of people. Across different cultures, pizzas have evolved unique characteristics, reflecting the intercultural influences that shape them. This adaptability inspires people to experiment and reimagine this once-exotic delicacy using local ingredients.

Yen recreated 10 pizzas from various regions, including Romania, Hungary, Ukraine, Germany, Lebanon, Nepal, Bolivia, Taiwan, China, and Hong Kong. These recreations were based on interviewees’ descriptions of the pizzas from their home countries and those they encountered while traveling. Each pizza was documented through photography. Pizzas that adhered closely to Italian recipes or shared similar traits with local cuisines were excluded from this experiment.


In Romania, we have similar pizzas as in Italy. However, we put more things on the pizza. More tomato sauce, more cheese, more of everything.

Simona Mihăilă. Romania 羅馬尼亞


Our pizza has thick dough following the style of American pizza. Sometimes instead of tomato sauce, we use ketchup as the base. The common ingredients for pizza are sausage, onion, ham, pineapple, bacon and cheap cheese.

Luca Tóth. Hungary 匈牙利


Our pizza is similar to Italian pizza. We use ingredients like paprika, corn and aubergine on the vegetarian pizza.

Lesia Nahorniak. Ukraine 烏克蘭


When my family visited a pizzeria in Italy, my little brother ordered a “Schnitzel Pizza” which was his favourite pizza back home, that terrified the waiter.

Dominik Hezinger. Germany 德國

我們沒有特別的黎巴嫩披薩。我們有一種叫做 manakish 的酥皮點心,外國人認為這是黎巴嫩披薩,但實際上並不是。我想所謂的「黎巴嫩版本」披薩會使用番茄醬汁、甜椒、橄欖、蘑菇和起司,最常見的是在上面放百里香而不是牛至。

We don’t have special Lebanese pizzas. We have a pastry “manakish” that foreigners think is Lebanese pizza, but it’s not. I guess the “Lebanese version” of a pizza is tomato sauce, bell peppers, olives, mushrooms and cheese. Most common is putting thyme instead of oregano on top.

Ziad Bou Assi. Lebanon 黎巴嫩


There are basically 2 types of pizza. When I grew older, I am more willing to pay for authentic Italian or American pizzas. These pizzas are usually topped with common and simple ingredients such as Parma ham and Rucola. If I meet with friends or ask for home delivery, Pizza Hut is the first choice. They offer flavours that have been adjusted to fit the taste of Hong Kong people, things like seafood with thousand island dressing, Hawaiian, or stuffed crust. New flavours are introduced by season.

Louise Chih Yan Yau. Hong Kong 香港


I think Taiwanese people embrace new food. Food is just so important in their daily life that they celebrate with food, comfort themselves with food, honour their gods with food, and even mourn with food. Taiwan is also an immigrant land that you can see different cultures meet and integrate here. Like the pizza, they combine their traditional dish with it. Creating new food is in their nature.

Yen Ju Chen. Taiwan 台灣


I used to eat pizzas from a chain pizzeria “Babeila” in Shanghai. It’s cheaper than Pizza Hut. But it’s only fast food, you cannot compare with real pizzas.

Xiao Fei Wang. China 中國


I remember the situation when we were in the mountain area in Nepal. There were places offering pizzas to the hikers. I said to myself: “I will give it a try to see how it tastes.” I think they didn’t really know how a proper pizza should be made, out of which ingredients. They had this Nepalese bread and put tomato ketchup, cheese and some vegetables on it. Ketchup is a no-go for a pizza. From things like that, you see the cultural mix. It’s really fun.

Jonas Bonas. Pizza in Nepal 尼泊爾


You can find pizza everywhere, even in Bolivia. In Bolivia, they just don’t know how to make the bread, it’s super thick. And they put a lot of cheese on it, not yellow cheese but fresh cheese, it’s feta they put on the pizza. It’s something else, it’s salty. And they don’t put tomato sauce on pizza, so basically bread with fresh cheese. Nothing else.

Helene Niederfeilner. Pizza in Bolivia 玻利維亞



  1. 與義大利地理位置相近的地區,如羅馬尼亞、匈牙利和烏克蘭的披薩,與義大利披薩有著十分相似的特徵,然而口味會根據當地人的偏好進行調整。
  2. 隨著物理距離的增加,顯現越多明顯的差異。例如,來自東亞的披薩在外觀和口味上發展出更加與眾不同的特色,在創意上的發揮空間更大。
  3. 某些披薩風格源自於披薩是「鋪有起司的扁平麵包」的想像。來自德國、台灣、尼泊爾和玻利維亞的披薩採用大量當地食材,並從在地料理汲取靈感。
  4. 食材的選擇反映了當地文化的特徵。例如黎巴嫩披薩顯示黎巴嫩擁有豐富的蔬菜資源,也可能遵循當地宗教規範,例如以蔬菜取代肉品。
  5. 在重塑異國民族食物的過程中,創意是被當地人接受且期待的。最明顯的例子就是來自香港的披薩。
  6. 東亞(香港、台灣、中國)披薩的名稱與配料之間的關聯,反映了當地人對外國文化的想像與認知。例如,「美式披薩」上放著大塊牛排,「日式披薩」將章魚燒與扁平麵包及大量起司結合,嗆辣的「墨西哥披薩」反映了當地人對墨西哥料理的印象,而「德式披薩」則放上維也納香腸。披薩成為多元文化融合下的產物。
  7. 儘管許多義大利披薩的特徵被取代,義大利人可能拒絕稱呼它們為披薩,只要保留了某些基本特徵(例如起司與麵包),當地人仍然認為它們是披薩。就外地人的角度來看,這些改變可能顯得奇怪,因為與他們對披薩的認知相悖。

Food Migration Reveals Social Structures and Cultures in Transnational Frameworks

The recreation of pizzas offers valuable insights into the social structures and cultures within transnational frameworks.

  1. Pizzas from regions geographically closer to Italy, such as Romania, Hungary, and Ukraine, share similar characteristics with Italian pizzas. However, their preparation is adapted to suit local preferences.
  2. More distinct features emerge with increasing physical distance. Pizzas from East Asia, for example, have evolved into unique variations in both appearance and taste, indicating greater room for creativity in these regions.
  3. Some pizza styles are derived from the imagination of pizza as flatbread topped with cheese. Pizzas from Germany, Taiwan, Nepal, and Bolivia extensively use local ingredients and incorporate elements of regional cuisines.
  4. The selection of ingredients reflects regional cultural characteristics. For example, Lebanese pizza highlights the abundance of vegetables in Lebanon. Moreover, the diet may adhere to local religious practices, such as abstaining from meat.
  5. Creativity is both accepted and anticipated by locals in the reinterpretation of ethnic food. The most evident example of this is the pizza from Hong Kong.
  6. The correlation between the names and toppings of pizzas in East Asia (Hong Kong, Taiwan, China) reflects the locals’ imagination and perceptions of foreign cultures. For example, the “Pizza American-style” features large chunks of beef steak, the “Pizza Japanese-style” combines takoyaki (a classic Japanese dish) with flatbread and an abundance of cheese, the “Pizza Mexican-style” incorporates spiciness, reflecting the locals’ view of Mexican cuisine, and the “Pizza German-style” is topped with Vienna sausages. Pizza thus becomes a fusion of multiple cultural influences.
  7. Even though many traditional Italian elements are replaced, and Italians may refuse to call them pizzas, the locals still consider them pizzas as long as certain fundamental characteristics (such as cheese on bread) are preserved. From an non-local‘s perspective, the alterations may seem strange, as they contradict conventional ideas of what a pizza should be.