當食物成為企業追求最大化利潤的手段時,動物被貶為生產線上的商品,存在僅為滿足人類的需求,生命的自由因此被剝奪。 When food turns into a means for enterprises to maximize profits, animals are reduced to mere commodities on production lines. Their existence serves solely to meet human needs, stripping life of its freedom.
There is an old saying in Mandarin, “like lips and teeth,” which signifies the interdependence between two entities. Similarly, skin, flesh, and bones share a deeply interconnected relationship. Yet, humanity exploits animals as a means to generate profits, disregarding their right to life. Without flesh to support it, skin and bones become nothing more than a lavishly adorned but hollow shell.
設計靈感來自威尼斯嘉年華面具,皮革柔韌,加熱後具延展性,成為展示內部骨架的理想材料。ABS 列印的骨架經沙模鑄造為鋁製,皮革包裹骨架,以亞麻線縫合,然後使用熱風機塑形並上色。
Furniture as a vehicle for uttering the message
The purpose of expressing through furniture design is to stimulate sensory awareness via both physical and aesthetic interactions, encouraging people to reconsider issues of animal welfare and industrialized food production.
Inspired by Venetian masks, the flexibility of hide—particularly its malleability when heated—makes it an ideal material to showcase the inner skeleton. The ABS-printed skeleton was cast in aluminum through a sand casting process. The hide was then wrapped around the skeleton and stitched together with flaxen thread, shaped using a hairdryer, and finally colored.