STIR UP! 海報設計

Poster Design|Louise Yau, Yen


食物與性的共同點在於通過感官感知,為工作坊 STIR UP! 設計的海報以展現這種感官聯結為目標。Louise 和 Yen 發現烹飪與女性自慰中有著相似的手部動作,於是嘗試使用麵粉作為媒介進行實驗。

Stirring—moving in circles to mix—is both a common cooking technique and a method of female masturbation.

The shared connection between food and sex lies in their sensory perception. In designing the poster for the workshop STIR UP!, the objective was to metaphorically highlight this sensory linkage. Louise and Yen observed similar hand movements in cooking and masturbation, leading them to experiment with flour as a medium.


Mimicking gestures in female masturbation with flour